Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sharing and Participating/ Connecting with Family Far Away

These blogs offer us a really different way to share words, pictures, and video. What other medium has that capability? None. A letter can carry words and pictures. A DVD can carry video. But neither of those can be reflected on by the creator of the content in the form of conversations in the "comments" area of a post. Imagine this blog being a narrative of a summer trip, or a family album. It could contain a lot of memories.

And some of them may be in the form of pictures!


  1. I love the family album with the songs. How did you do that? Thanks.

  2. That was made a a few years ago with Moviemaker (free Windows movie editor) I think, It may have been done with iMovie, the free Apple editor. Pretty simple drag and drop sort of thing. Pretty cool result though. One of those songs is actually my Grandpa singing! Way down Mexico way....
