I have seen some pretty darn amazing wikis out there with everything from how to do anything on a computer or a host of tools and resources and words for teachers of English. But for today I am going to do away with wikis and wonder about something else.
I have found the first couple comments about wikis in this week's discussion board interesting in that they have a sense of feeling behind in them. Instinctively I recoil and think, "We can only be where we are, and then begin." That must be the teacher in me. We will never all be in the same place at the same time. That is just the way it is. I think.
That sense of urgency to catch up can bring on needed adrenaline or whatever to help. But it can also block us, making us paralyzed with fear. I know I have witnessed that more than once with teachers using computers.
So for this post I wish you a serene yet challenging voyage. I hope you bask in the sunny knowledge that everything is in the right place and that includes you. Performance anxiety will not help. All is well. That is all I have to say.
Todd, thank you.